Tribodiagnostics is analyzes of oils, lubricant fuels and emulsions, are used to determine the condition of the oil in terms of its lubricity and machine wear. Analysis of the oil or machine condition is used to
- monitoring of oil filling degradation - state of lubricity and oil life
- monitoring of oil filling pollution - ingress of impurities from the environment, water, wear
- determination of machine wear using ferrography - wear of bearings, gears, hydraulic elements, valves, pumps,…
We locate the fault and determine the current state as well as the development in the trend. It is a non-disassembly diagnostics without the need to weigh the machinery and also without stopping production. The reliability and service life of the machines are increased and also the costs of preventive maintenance are reduced.

The analysis also makes it possible to extend the oil change intervals, preventive repair intervals and replacement parts for machines and equipment, such as hydraulic power units, turbochargers, compressors, compressors, gearboxes, turbines…
Analyzes are part of comprehensive oil care and make it possible to manage oil management on the basis of the actual state (Total fluid management).
We have our own certified testing laboratory through the Czech Testing Laboratory of Independent Laboratories.
Head of the Tribotechnical Department Mgr. Vít Šebesta is one of the evaluators of ČZNL. Our employees are certified by ATD CR. We analyze oils and machinery in hundreds of companies and we have tens of thousands of measured devices in our database.

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Výstavní 3224/51
Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava
702 00
+420 596 624 831-3
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IČO: 258 68 781
DIČ: CZ 258 68 781
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